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Family Law Legal Issues Wills & Estates
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Can Medicinal Cannabis users be charged with driving offences …

Over recent years the NSW Government has legalised the sale and use of Medicinal Cannabis.  Supporters of these changes believe this is an important step forward for Australia and for NSW, with thousands of people now able to legally obtain Medicinal Cannabis to use for their medical conditions as approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods […]

Wills & Estates

What happens if an Executor has lost capacity when the Will-maker dies?

An Executor is someone who is appointed in a Will to take on certain responsibilities when the will-maker (known as the “Testator”) dies. Those responsibilities include things like making decisions about the Testator’s funeral and burial, dealing with Probate (if needed), and the administration and distribution of the Testator’s estate. So what happens if an […]

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