An Executor is person appointed in a Will to take on certain responsibilities when the will-maker (known as the “Testator”) dies. Those responsibilities include dealing with the will-maker’s assets and liabilities, which often raises the issue of tax. So what role does the Executor have with a will-maker’s tax issues? The Executor is effectively put […]
Over recent years the NSW Government has legalised the sale and use of Medicinal Cannabis. Supporters of these changes believe this is an important step forward for Australia and for NSW, with thousands of people now able to legally obtain Medicinal Cannabis to use for their medical conditions as approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods […]
A Will is a legal document which sets out how you as the Will-maker (“the Testator”) want your assets to be dealt with after you die. When thinking about what to do in your Will, there are a number of matters you should consider. One of the first things to think about is who you […]
An Executor is someone who is appointed in a Will to take on certain responsibilities when the will-maker (known as the “Testator”) dies. Those responsibilities include things like making decisions about the Testator’s funeral and burial, dealing with Probate (if needed), and the administration and distribution of the Testator’s estate. So what happens if an […]
My Parents Need An Enduring Power of Attorney & An Appointment of Enduring Guardian My Parents Need An Enduring Power of Attorney & Appointment of Enduring Guardian, so what are these documents, how do we go about arranging this and what is the process? So What is an Enduring Power of Attorney & an Appointment […]
We have many people ask us ‘Can a Will be invalid because of “suspicious circumstances”? There is a “presumption of law” that a Will is valid if – The Will has been properly signed by the Will maker or Testator and witnessed by two witnesses all present at the same time; and The Will is […]
Acting as an Executor is a very important role. So what is an Executor – An Executor is a person who you appoint in your Will to take on certain responsibilities when you die. The responsibilities of acting as an Executor include things like making decisions about your funeral and burial, dealing with Probate (if […]
So How Do Assets Pass To Beneficiaries When Both Tenants In Common Owners Die? Property that is owned by two or more people can be owned in two different ways – Joint Tenants where the owners own the whole of the property together and they do not own separate and divisible shares. Couples often own […]
When thinking about what to do in your Will, one of matters you will need to consider is whether you want certain assets to be gifted to particular people when you die. One of the main assets to consider is your home. Sometimes, a will maker may decide to gift his or her home to […]
So what happens when your child dies and you are in dispute over his estate?. Peter and Jenny had a child, Matthew, but later separated and divorced. Matthew grew up and became an adult. Matthew died unexpectantly. He was over the age of 18 years and he did not a Will. He also did not […]
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