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- First Home Owner Grant – Brazel Moore Lawyers, Gosford, Central Coast
- Duties of an Executor: What are their tax responsibilities?
- What is a financial management order?
- Can Medicinal Cannabis users be charged with driving offences …
- Can I Add My Spouse Or Family Member’s Name To A Contract After Exchange Of Contracts? How To Avoid Paying Double Stamp Duty
- How does Estrangement impact a Family Provision Claim?
- What things should I think about when making a Will?
- What happens if an Executor has lost capacity when the Will-maker dies?
- When will an adult child be successful in making a Family Provision Claim?
- How does Domestic Violence impact a Family Provision Claim?
- Signing a Commercial Lease Proposal: What does it mean for me?
- What do I need to do when selling or buying property? Conveyancing procedures explained …
- Blanket Ban on Pets in Strata Units overturned
- My Parent Has Lost Capacity And An Application Has Been Made To The NCAT Guardianship Division To Appoint A Financial Manager & A Guardian
- What is an Enduring Power of Attorney & An Appointment of Enduring Guardian?
- COVID-19 and Commercial or Retail Leases: What can I do when my tenant does not pay rent?
- Time limits in Family Law – when should I take action?
- What is buying off the plan and what are some of the risks?
- What if I die without a Will?
- Can a Will be invalid because of “suspicious circumstances”?
- Acting As An Executor: What Happens When There Are Multiple Executors And They Do Not Cooperate?
- How Do Assets Pass To Beneficiaries Of An Estate If Both Owners Of Jointly Owned Property Die At The Same Time?
- Will Gifting And The Home
- What happens when 2 parents are in dispute about a deceased Child’s Estate
- Lost capacity to make a Will?. What you can do.
- Claim for Damages for Disappointment and Distress
- Can I stop my neighbour’s noise?
- Intestate Estates – What happens if I die without a Will?
- Avoiding Double Stamp Duty On A Declaration Of Bare Trust For A SMSF Purchase Of Property
- The Use Of A Bare Trust By A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (Smsf) To Borrow Money And Purchase Assets
- How is Superannuation dealt with in an Estate?
- Can I Contest A Will If The Will Is Not Fair?
- Left out of a Will? Now What?
- What is included in a Deceased Estate?
- Consumer Protection Laws
- Purchasing Property – Joint Tenancy and Tenancy in Common
- Elder Abuse, Succession Law and the Forfeiture Rule
- Challenging A Will – Removing A Trustee Or Changing Terms Of A Trust
- Will Preparation – Informal and Inoperative Wills
- Revocation of a Will – Estate Planning
- Will Disputes – Inheritance Law
- Brazel Moore Lawyers 12 Steps to Buying your Property
- Buying a house?….Understand the Legal Jargon!
- How old should you be to make a Will?
- When buying a home choose your Real Estate Agent wisely!
- What happens to your Estate if you die without leaving a Will?
- What happens if your homemade Will does not comply with the legal formalities required for a valid Will?
- Leaving a gift to your child in your Will
- Buying a Strata Property? – Conveyancing Services
- Do you want to challenge a Will?
- ‘Spring has Sprung’
- Sailor sues Navy for causing his smoking habit!
- Who gets the family home after separation?
- Successful Pork Chop Compensation Claim – Public Liability!
- Cards on the table: The first step in splitting the matrimonial/joint property after separation
- Intimate lunch breaks could give rise to Workers Compensation Claims!
- But who gets the dog? – Family Law
- The legal grey area around prosecuting ‘stealthing’ in Australia
- Obesity in the Workplace – Workers Compensation Claims!
- Motor Vehicle Accident Claim Time Limits!
- Are you really protected by your insurance?
- The separation between professional and personal life – where is the line?
- Baird Government announces changes to Sydney Lockout Laws
- European Court of Justice finds some discrimination legal
- Brazel Moore Lawyers appear in the High Court – Media Release
- The so-called ‘gay panic’ defence has finally been abolished in Queensland
- What affect does an AVO have on a parenting case?
- Grandparents: Do you have rights after the separation of parents?
- Stop and Search – Police Powers
- Be wary of time limits after separation and divorce
- What are consent Orders?
- Have you been the victim of Bullying or Harassment in the workplace?
- Changes to AVO Laws
- Do I have to answer Police questions?
- Windfalls and how they affect your property matter
- Testamentary Capacity: Strange anomalies insufficient to persuade a Court to overturn a Will
- Changes to Sunday and Public Holiday Penalty Rates
- Estate Planning – Who can receive Superannuation Benefits?
- What happens on the first Court date in the Family Law System?
- Hurstville man sues media for ‘ridiculing’ his mullet hairstyle after picture goes viral
- Your Top Workers Compensation Questions Answered.
- Is Arbitration right for you for your Family Law Property Settlement?
- Changes To NSW Road Rules That Affect L And P Plate Drivers
- Changes to Strata Title Laws
- Winning on Appeal
- Brangelina Divorce!
- Woman who slipped in vomit paid $45,000 in compensation
- What is a Binding Child Support Agreement?
- Wills and the Blended Family
- Estate Planning – Who Can Receive Superannuation Benefits?
- Challenging Wills and Testamentary Undue Influence
- Have you been injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident?
- Landmark Decision in the Workers Compensation Commission!
- Who was affected by changes to the Workers Compensation System?
- Can Police conduct a search without a Warrant?
- When Are You Guilty Of Receiving Stolen Goods?
- Have you had a fall or suffered injury in a public place?
- How to get a Divorce
- Dismissal Of Criminal Charges By Way Of Section 10 – How Common Are They Really?
- Granny flat arrangements can tear families apart if not done the right way
- Family Law Agreements
- The Dallas Buyers Club and the Future of IP Piracy in Australia
- Privacy Rules
- Appointments now available in Wyong!
- “Crime” and “Punishment” in Family Law property settlements
- Changes to the New Home Grant Scheme from 1 July, 2014
- Victorian man wins Scrabble battle in Ringwood Magistrate’s Court
- Latest Statistics Reveal That Half Of All Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders In NSW Fail
- The Bail Act
- The French Impotence Courts
- A Mildura Man is being investigated by the Fair Work Ombudsman for paying Employees 60 cents per hour!
- Does Your Employer Have The Right To Relocate You?
- Out of Court resolution of parenting issues after separation
- Victorian woman receives Compensation payout of $143,590 after being driven over by her pet dog!
- Are handwritten amendments to my Will valid?
- Boss offers to freeze female employees’ eggs!
- Are you considering a Divorce? Here is our quick guide to the steps involved.
- A British man impersonating a police officer has been caught after pulling over the real thing!
- Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a Solicitor and a Barrister?
- Dividing Fences – Your Cause Of Many Neighbourhood Disputes!
- New ‘Counter Terrorism’ measures are to be introduced into Federal Parliament
- Financial Support Of One Spouse By The Other – It May Not End At Separation
- What is a TPD (‘Total and Permanent Disability’) Claim?
- Blameless Accidents
- Largest Class Action for Negligence to begin in Queensland
- Business fined for paying teenage workers in pizza and soft drink
- DPP successful in appeal over sentencing of Keiran Loveridge
- ACCC takes action against an Aussie Business for fake testimonials
- Want to buy a new home…You may be eligible for a grant of up to $15,000!
- Do you have a right to request flexible working arrangements?
- Pregnancy and Discrimination in the Workplace
- 2014/2015 Federal Budget – What does it mean for you?
- Pool Owners – Registration Update
- Are you about to get married or enter into a defacto relationship but worried about your assets? Is a Pre Nup the answer?
- Over 5,000 Queensland prisoners forced to quit smoking
- Right to refuse medical treatment enforced by the NSW Supreme Court
- An employee’s right to have paid leave on Christmas Eve has been upheld by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission
- New Bail Act comes into force
- Student Wins Discrimination Claim against Newcastle University for Compulsory Exams
- Woman sues her GP for failure to diagnose pregnancy
- Recent developments in the Bullying Jurisdiction of the Fair Work Commission
- The High Court recognises gender neutral status
- New penalties introduced for failing to report child abuse
- Proposed Deregulation of Workers Compensation
- Changes to Credit Reporting
- Child Marriage
- Twitter rant costs student $105,000 in damages!
- Changes to NSW proposed mandatory sentencing laws for drug & alcohol offences
- Police Pursuits – are they too dangerous?
- Consumer Rights and Consumer Guarantees – The ACCC
- Family Violence – In Remembrance of Luke Batty
- Family Law Property Settlements and “Special Contributions”
- International Child Disputes
- Separating? Protect your most important creations… your kids!
- New National Law for Heavy Vehicle Operators
- UK woman sues her Lawyer for failing to tell her that her Divorce would end her Marriage!
- Compensation for dog bite injuries
- New laws in New South Wales to curb alcohol-fuelled violence
- New Laws to let you check out the criminal background of your new partner before committing to the relationship….is this a benefit or a minefield!
- Appeal allowed in case where former Police Officer claimed malicious prosecution
- Unusual Or Unknown NSW Road Rules
- Executor’s Checklist
- Queensland’s ‘War on Bikies’ and the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act, 2013
- An Employee who sent pornographic emails at work receives compensation
- Money money money… Can a Family Law property settlement occur when a married couple are involuntarily separated?
- Motor Vehicle Accidents – Frequently Asked Questions
- Victoria introduces new legislation to allow Police to disqualify Licences for persons convicted of any crime
- Family Provision Claims may be able to be made against an Estate even where it seems there are no Estate assets…
- New Sentencing Regime to be introduced for ‘King Hit’ Cases
- New Anti-bullying Regime!
- The Review Into NSW Strata Law And Community Title Law Continues
- Have you received an injury at work – a step by step guide to making a claim
- Mediation, Counselling and Dispute Resolution
- Compensation Claim denied to woman injured having sex
- Trust Disputes – Reinhart V Welker & Ors [2012]
- Childrens Matters after separation
- Have you been the victim of an act of violence or sexual abuse?
- NSW Trustee & Guardian – Free Will Service For Pensioners NSW
- Could your Halloween costume be discriminatory?
- Pets and Family Law
- Could 3D printing have the same impact on manufacturing as digital downloads have had on the music and film industries?
- Compensation for Victims of overseas Terrorism
- Divorce and Separation
- Can you change Parenting Orders?
- Tattoo Parlours – New Licencing Laws
- Unfair Dismissal
- Registration Labels for NSW Motor Vehicles
- Resigned or Dismissed???
- Marriage Equality within the Australian Capital Territory???
- What Maisie Knew
- Are you a WORKER or a CONTRACTOR?
- Have you been a victim of an act of violence?
- Are you in a defacto relationship?
- INSECT listed as prohibited item by Queensland Government
- Swimming Pool Owners – Important changes to Swimming Pools Act 1992
- Your rights when approached by Police
- Lock up a Lawyer
- Special Disability Trust
- Family Law: Children return to Italy under the Hague Convention
- Slip and fall at Big W goes all the way to the High Court
- Bail In NSW | Know More About Bail Act NSW
- Sexual harassment in the workplace is still a problem!
- Employee or Independent Contractor?
- Changes to Sexual Harassment Laws
- How you can avoid going to court in most Family Law disputes…
- If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence you could be entitled to compensation …
- What Should You do If You Are Arrested By Police?
- Police Line-ups & Searches
- What Is An AVO Or An ADVO?
- Family Pathways Network Mega Day
- Police Interviews
- Random Breath Testing
- Arrest Rights