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Our client, Mrs X, a single mother of five children, attended our office following the breakdown of her marriage.

At the commencement of the relationship, our client sold her home and moved in with her new partner. Our client contributed the entirety of the proceeds of sale from her former home towards the husband’s business and renovation of his properties. These properties were solely owned by the husband.

Mrs X was a low-income earner and had limited control over the family finances. She felt intimidated by her husband who had told her that she was not entitled to any property adjustment following their separation.

Mrs X wished to avoid Court proceedings and move on with her life. This was made difficult as, initially, the husband refused to participate in the Family Law process.


The main issues in this case were:

  1. The husband’s failure to provide full and frank financial disclosure; and
  2. Determining Mrs X’s entitlement to receive a portion of the property pool where all assets were in the name of the husband.

What we did

The team at Brazel Moore Lawyers relentlessly pursued the husband to ensure that he provided full and frank financial disclosure including valuations of his properties. This empowered our client to make informed decisions regarding the division of assets having full knowledge of the property pool.

Upon receipt of full and frank financial disclosure, Brazel Moore Lawyers successfully negotiated a property settlement agreement without the need to attend Court or mediation. This saved our client significant time, money, and stress. Our client received sufficient settlement monies to purchase a new home.

During settlement negotiations, our client purchased a new home for herself and her five children. Settlement of the Family Law matter needed to occur within a very tight timeframe to ensure our client could complete this purchase, avoid losing her deposit and prevent her family becoming homeless. Brazel Moore Lawyers expertly and efficiently finalised Mrs X’s property settlement agreement allowing her to move straight into her new home.

How can we help?

The friendly and skilled Family Law Team at Brazel Moore Lawyers are available to assist you with your Family Law property matter.

If you need advice regarding your family law matter, please contact Brazel Moore Lawyers on 4324 7699.

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