What do you need to know?
There are time limits in New South Wales which apply to motor vehicle accident compensation claims.
A Personal Injury Claim Form must be lodged with the CTP insurer within 6 months from the date of accident. If you lodge a claim after that date, you would need to provide an explanation for the delay.
In New South Wales claims are assessed by the Medical Assessment Service and by the Claims Assessment Resolution Service.
If a case is not finalised within three (3) years (for example, where the Insurer claims that the accident was your fault or that you contributed to the accident) you must file a Statement of Claim with the Court within three (3) years from the date of the accident.
If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident and the accident was not your fault, we can assist you in obtaining compensation for your injuries.
If you have been injuried in a motor vehicle accident and would like to know what you may be entitled to call Peter Moore on (02) 43247699.