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Have you been the victim of Bullying or Harassment in the workplace?

We acted for a person, lets call her Gwen, who was employed as a Senior Youth Worker by an organisation that provided Emergency Accommodation Services to vulnerable youth.  She loved her job and always put in 110%.  During the early days of her employment Gwen believed that she was recognised by her employers for the expertise and professionalism that she brought to her job.

Unfortunately, after Gwen noticed that the organisation was charging for higher levels of service than were actually being provided and refused to sign off on certain documents, the attitude of her employers towards her changed.

She became aware that her colleagues were asked to watch her and report on all of her activities to her employers.  Gwen was also subjected to a barrage of trivial complaints about herself and her behaviour: that her shoes made too much noise on the floor, that she talked too long on the phone, that she dressed inappropriately, that she was too old.

Her employer also reduced her working hours whilst still continuing to expect her to handle the same volume of work.  When Gwen struggled with this unrealistic adjustment of her working conditions they accused her of being incompetent and unable to cope with the job.

As a result Gwen developed a psychological injury, an adjustment disorder with associated anxiety and major depression.  She left her employment in 2001 and has not been able to work since.

In 2005 she was assess as having a whole person impairment in excess of 15%.  Unfortunately, Gwen was not given proper legal advice in respect of her entitlements to pursue a common law claim in negligence against her form employers.

Gwen came to Brazel Moore Lawyers in 2014 to seek advice in respect of any entitlements that she might have, and was advised that she may have a Work Injury Damages Claim.

The claim was fraught with difficulties as Gwen had left her employer in 2001 and the claim was filed eight years out of time.

Despite this, the team at Brazel Moore Compensation Lawyers managed to settle the matter at mediation and obtain Gwen a lump sum settlement of compensation of $325,000.00.

If you have suffered a psychological injury as a result of bullying and harassment in the workplace, please phone the team at Brazel Moore Compensation Lawyers to obtain expert advice in relation to your legal rights.

There are no up-front costs to you and we can assist you with the cost of obtaining any reports necessary to assist with a successful resolution of a claim.

Call now on (02) 4324 7699.

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